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I may have spilled some chemicals here.
- Flags flags − Signals signals + Calendar holidays
- Tap Code words × Logical Buttons round buttons − Simon Sends words
- Crazy Talk phrases × Sonic & Knuckles zones − Pie digits in manual
- Cheap Checkout items + Web Design websites − Pattern Cube cubes
- Zoo animals + Timezone timezones − Double-Oh cells
- Bitmaps pixels + Colorful Madness buttons − Word Search words
- Mafia names + Lasers hatches − Extended Password passwords
- Monsplode, Fight! moves + Splitting the Loot bags − Functions functions
- Dragon Energy words + Simon Samples samples − Dominoes dominoes
- Hexamaze cells on module + Simon Speaks speech bubbles − Maritime Flags flags
- Mashematics maximum + Friendship elements of harmony − The Swan seconds